Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent

So now what?

    So, remember your bulbs coming up, budding, then blooming?  I bet you said to yourself WOW [self], I love my BULBS!     But then, the blooms fade in color, petals start to drop and eventually….they look like this.  And it’s May now, so of course you...
Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent

Perennial Gardens

    One of my favorite times of the year is the Spring.  During the spring months, the perennial gardens start to show their colors….bulbs are emerging, flowers are blooming, and foliage is just WOW.   Notice the tulips surrounded by the Hosta….and...
Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent

Can I turn on my water yet???

Spread Headsah…the question I get now on almost a daily basis.  “When are you going to start-up my sprinkler system?”  For all you gardening fanatics out there, it is NOW time to get them started.  We, at Emil Yedowitz Landscaping and Irrigation...
Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent

Do you find yourself Spiraling??

They do have their place in the landscape….Spiraling Juniper’s.  They are great for house entrances, they are great next to garage doors.  This particular spiraling shrub is a Juniper.  Nurseryman also create these topiary’s with Alberta Spruce,...
Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent

Spring Color

  I must share with you my love for Spring Color!  There is nothing like a MASSIVE BLOOM of tulips and daff’s.  I do chuckle, as I plant them….. most suppliers recommend planting them 5-6″ apart from one another.              I say “heck with...
Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent

Quick Tips for Superb Herbs

We’re all looking for ways to save a little on out grocery bills, and growing your own herbd is a fun and easy way to do just that. Whether you plan on cultivating them inside or out, these guidelines can help to ensure herb gardening success: – Herb seeds...
Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent

Crab Grass Control

It’s early spring now, and YES it is time to put down the “pre-emergent weed control” onto your lawn. But why should you do that, you ask? Pre-emergent herbicides help control broadleaf weeds from germinating in your lawn. Some examples of broad leaf...