by Joe Yedowitz | Jun 16, 2012 | Gardens / Landscapes, Irrigation, Lawn Tips, Seasonal Tips
What a spring so far…we started off with 70+ degree-days in March and it was cool and wet for most of May. Mother nature certainly is challenging us this year. LAWN UPDATE There may be a Fungus Among-us…. Not sure if you are seeing it, but I am. There is Red thread...
by Joe Yedowitz | Mar 30, 2012 | Gardens / Landscapes, Lawn Tips, Seasonal Tips
When we perform our Spring Cleanups passer-bys will frequently stop and ask “What happened to the lawn”. As you can see from the picture to the right, we run a machine over the lawns we clean up which mechanically rake it out. The results are often piles of dead,...
by Joe Yedowitz | Feb 11, 2012 | Seasonal Tips
Healthy Lawns have less of this Bothersome Weed It’s a fact: No lawn is completely immune to crabgrass. Thankfully, there are steps that can be taken this spring- throughout the growing season ahead- to keep it under control. AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE Just one mature...