Aeration, Overseeding and Slice Seeding can work wonders

 The cool, crisp weather of fall makes it easy to forget how overbearing summer can be. Unfortunately, our lawns have a little more trouble putting summer’s heat and dryness behind them.

If your turf is looking a little worse for wear this fall, you’re not alone. Lots of lawns are showing the effects of another scorching summer. You may be noticing:

  • Dead or very thin sections of turf.
  • Grass that feels especially soft or spongy when walking across it.
  • An abundance of broadleaf or grassy weeds in the lawn.
  • A failure to improve in appearance despite regular watering and fertilization.

Renovating now will encourage beautiful turf later

Fall is a great time for lawn renovations. Not only is the weather milder, but also new grass seed will have much less competition from weed seeds trying to grow.

Core aeration is one of the best things that can be done for your lawn. An aerating machine removes plugs (or cores) of thatch and soil from your turf, and the holes left behind make it easier for air, water and fertilization to reach the root system. The result is a stronger, more extensive root system and greener, healthier, more robust turf.

You might also want to reseed your lawn, which can be done in one of two ways. Overseeding after aeration is a good way to thicken up thin turf. Seed is spread evenly over any thin or bare areas, soon after aeration is completed. Some of the seed lodges in the holes made by the aerator, and the increased seed-to-soil contact improves germination. If aeration hasn’t been done, slice seeding is another option. A slice seeding machine creates vertical “slices” in the soil, and then deposits seed directly into them. Again, germination rates are improved due to the seed coming into direct contact with the soil.

Each of these renovation methods can help to get your summer-stressed lawn back in shape again. Just remember, regardless of the method you choose, the sooner it’s preformed the better!