A Lifeless Lawn

At this point in the growing season, you may notice thinning turf or bare spots in your lawn and wonder what could be causing the trouble. There are plenty of possible reasons for problems like these, including:


Compact Soil and Excessive thatch

Insect or Disease damage and Hot, dry weather


The good news is that your turf can be brought back to life again. Aside from sticking to proper mowing, fertilizer and watering practices, the following steps can make a world of difference.


Compacted soil and excessive thatch can starve turf roots of the air, water and nutrients they need to grow deep and strong. Aeration can help. With this process, a machine known as a core aerator punches through turf and pulls out plugs of soil and thatch, which are left behind to dissolve during rainfall or sprinkling. As the plugs dissolve, decomposition of thatch layers is promoted. Plus, the holes created during aeration make it easier for air, water and nutrients to reach the roots.

Over-seeding (with aeration)

This is a great way to thicken up thin turf areas, and it’s done by broadcasting seed evenly over any spots that need to be filled in. over-seeding always works better when there’s good seed-to-soil contact. If your lawn is aerated before over-seeding, the seed will have some soil to lodge in and germination rates will improve.

Slice Seeding

This is the most efficient way to seed a very thin or badly damaged lawn. A slice seeder (or slit seeder) makes vertical slits in the turf and deposits grass seeds directly into the soil, all in one pass. This encourages high germination rates and thicker growth.

Late summer and fall are great times for renovation practices like these, since temperatures are milder and more conducive to new growth. In addition, new grass doesn’t have as much weed competition once the growing season starts winding down.

If your lawn looks like it’s struggling this summer, consider these steps to help get it back on track again!