Raised Vegetable Garden

Now that summer is here it is time to start growing your own vegetables.  As you may be aware, planting a vegetable garden can be a very challenging task! If you follow these simple steps you can have a thriving garden and the freshest vegetables.

There are many ways that a vegetable garden can be created.  You can have the choice of a raised bed or an open soil bed, which is created right on the ground. There are pros to both, but a raised garden will provide more warmth and better drainage, resulting in a more successful garden. A raised garden can be created simply by mounding the soil, then enclosing the soil in wooden frames, or using stones. Your soil should be about 8 to 12 inches deep.  Deep, raised soil beds allow the soil to warm up quicker.  Warmer soil may allow you to plant your vegetables earlier in the season which will result in a earlier harvest date.

It is also important that you have healthy, rich soil for your garden. You can achieve this by creating a compost pile or by making sure your soil gets plenty of nutrients through a watering system.  When it comes to designing your crop placement, tall plants (such as peas and corn) should be in the north section. Medium crops should be in the center and smaller crops (like radish and lettuce) should be in the southern section. Better air flow and sun exposure can also be gained by planting your crops north to south verses west to east.

Good luck with your garden!   Before you know it you will be eating your fresh vegetables right from your back yard!